Meme Maker - The internet's meme maker! Make memes today and share them with friends!

Featured Meme - ghost-staring

My girlfriend every Monday like ????????????
Thanks for choosing Meme Maker! - Make a meme with our meme maker and share it with friends! We fill the web with funny memes helping users around the world generate memes easily as well as view, share and make the trending internet meme's available online today.

Make memes using the most popular templates around the web or create your own new meme and see if it takes off. Join millions of other user's who depend on daily to make and share meme's on social networks, forums and facebook walls across the interwebz.

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You may be wondering, so what are internet meme's anyways? Don't worry, even though they've been trending since 2012 a lot of people still don't really know what memes are. The truth is, many people see memes on the web everyday without knowing it whether on a friends facebook wall or their favorite website. People, companies, and even celebrities have come to enjoy using memes to express their feelings on facebook and twitter. Whether for strong emotions or clever jokes, but usually in a light hearted humorous way. It's easier to get straight to the point using a meme, all it takes is a couple lines of text over a photo that helps portray their message.

Meme Maker has been a popular site for memes since 2011 and over time has continued to grow making millions of memes to date by our community and helping a lot of new memes trend and even become viral. Google defines memes as: a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is meant to be copied (usually with different variations and messages) that spread virally online using social networking tools like twitter, facebook and of course our favorite, reddit!

Don't worry you don't have to be an internet savvy expert to make memes, anyone can make a meme, they're meant to be good, harmless fun. Internet trolls will always be around but so does our ability to laugh and say whatever, it's just the internet! Feel free to make a meme today and share it with your friends, and if you want to keep in touch - please like us on our facebook page!

How to Make Memes

The first step in learning how to make memes is knowing what they are.

In today's society and in relation to this site, we focus on funny memes that usually start with a funny photo with a clever caption on it that is meant to be shared and spread while the joke gets copied with different variations and usually spreads quickly on social networks like reddit, facebook, twitter and many other platforms.

Meme's can also come in the form of funny videos or gifs that quickly gain a lot of views and shares causing them to go viral online.


To use our meme generator is very easy, we made it simple because.. why make it complicated? It's supposed to be a fun and light hearted experience. The first step is to choose what meme you want to make, we have hundreds of templates available on our site that you can browse and choose from, they all convey a different emotion or kind of joke so you can view the example's and choose according to what you want to say. If none of the existing templates are suitable or if you want to make your own new meme just go to our upload page and choose a photo from your computer or phone. Yes, our meme maker works on mobile!


Once you have a photo picked you'll be taken to the create page that has a lot of options but all you really need to do is type your joke. Most memes have a top caption and a bottom caption. Once you've typed them out simply publish your meme if you want to keep it simple and then its ready to share!


Want to get more creative? You can add more text boxes if you need to say more. You can also drag the text boxes around to place them exactly where you want. Other text formatting options include:

- changing color of the font
- changing color of the stroke
- turning the stroke on or off and adjusting thickness
- changing the actual font
- changing text alignment


We also have other creative options such as adding images on top of your meme, kind of like stickers, we have some for you to choose from including the popular rage faces and other funny stuff or you can even upload your own! You can resize and move them around or delete them if you change your mind.

There is also an option to draw on your meme if you need to highlight an important area of the photo or do some troll editing of your own.

We have gotten rid of watermarks for now, yay! We hope you will give us a shout out when people ask how you made your meme but it’s up to you.


When you upload a photo to our site, that meme automatically goes into private mode. You can still view the meme on our site but it doesn't get added to our public gallery and can only be shared by someone who knows the link to it.


We strongly discourage any hateful or any ill willed memes being made on our site, we made this tool to spread fun and laughter not promote bullying or harassment of any kind. If you have seen a meme on our site that is offensive to you or anyone else we strongly encourage you to report it to us, we will most definitely delete it as soon as possible. We get a lot of requests so please understand if there is a delay with the deletion. Offensive material goes against our core beliefs and is not tolerated.

Also, before you make a meme targeted at a friend, coworker, family or anyone that is meant to be a joke, please try and imagine their reaction to it. Is it too personal? Too sensitive? Could it get them in trouble at work or school? We get many emails from upset people because of a meme that was meant to be a joke but went too far. Just something to consider!


Sharing your meme is the most important part of making a meme, what’s the point if no one can see you humorous glory? The biggest community for sharing funny memes has got to be reddit with facebook starting to take over, at least on our end. Meme Maker made a lot of memes for reddit when we were featured on the advice animals for years, why we were taken off who knows but there are still many loyal reddit fans who use our site on a daily basis and we’re thankful to Advice Animals for helping our site get known to redditors! To see meme’s made on our site by reddit users visit the following link:

Other sites that we recommend sharing to include instagram, tumblr, pinterest and any other network you may have a following in!